Autor-Archive: organicpowerdrink


CHAi BiRDS – ORGANIC POWER DRINK. mind moving. body moving. soul moving. awaken the Gods [...]

History and Benefits of Ginger.

The history of Ginger goes back over 5000 years when the Indians and ancient Chinese [...]

The Myth of Peppermint

In Greek mythology, Persephone, wife of Pluto, the God of the dead, was jealous of Pluto’s [...]

Facts you didn’t know about napping

Ever been in that zone where you decide you’ll nap for half an hour at [...]

Stop Being Scared! Dietary Saturated Fats/Cholesterol Are Good

Saturated fats are bad. Dietary cholesterol leads to heart diseases. The rise of the industry [...]

Mit diesem Trick schlaft ihr in nur einer Minute ein

Mediziner verspricht: Mit diesem Trick schlaft ihr in nur einer Minute ein. Herumwälzen, Schäfchen zählen, [...]

Best Fat Burning Foods

  These  foods will start narrowing your waist the minute they leave your fork and enter [...]

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